Welcome to ADJDPC E-Learning Resources Portal

During the COVID-19 outbreak in the entire nation, the country is facing major crisis in every sector. And this time one of the worst hit sectors is the education sector, as most of the exams have been cancelled during the final assessments. To ensure that there is no hiatus in the education and students get full-access to classes, like before, Ministry of Human Resource and Development advises students to carry on with their studies using the digital learning platforms. The digital learning portals help the students not only get full access to the study material but also allow them to engage in online classes and interact with the teachers like the physical classroom setting.

This E-Learning Resources Portal is a gateway to so many online resources available across the world. Further the ADJDPC E-Content Portal serves the ADJDPC students with the enriched academic tutorials from their faculty members.

We welcome you all to this E-Learning Resources Portal and wish you have a wonderful learning experience.